Sunday 28 November 2010

Benefits of alternative dispute resolution

When used successfully, ADR may be quick, cost effective and preserve confidentiality. All disputes, whether in difficult negotiations or full-scale litigation, can become a drain on resources – sapping money, time and focus. Generally, with alternative dispute resolution, the parties remain in control. If no settlement is reached, they retain their legal rights. For these benefits to be achieved, at the commencement of alternative dispute resolution both sides must have a genuine interest in seeing an end to the dispute or in re-starting effective negotiations.

Friday 19 November 2010

The incidence of different types of defects

In the most general sense, a satisfactory building is one which is where it is needed, fits appropriately into its surroundings, and provides adequate space and facilities, protected from adverse weather and other undesirable external conditions. Since this protection cannot readily be achieved with short-lived structures, buildings typically outlast many other modern products, and, if built so that they can be adapted to changing requirements and easily repaired, can give satisfactory service for a long time.

Much can be learnt from the condition of the existing building stock about what mostly causes dissatisfaction after completion.